These 5 tactics will help you secure your dream home.
Check them out.

Agent On-boarding

We created Moments Marketing with Keller Williams Real Estate to inspire and guide our clients through the real estate process. We want our future agents to come into the industry armed with the right training to deliver top tier service to their clients. I'm not sure if this is for you, but if it is, below you can find more information about our team and a career in Real Estate. 

Why Real Estate Sales? 

Real Estate sales offers you the chance to work for yourself. You will reap the benefits of your hard work. You will have a more flexible schedule and you aren't limited by a corporate salary range. You don't have to climb a corporate ladder and can go straight to the top based on what you can produce. Most of your time will be spent working with people, building relationships, and meeting new people. As a professional Realtor, you will be helping clients make the biggest purchase of their lives. You will be viewed as the professional and will need to exude confidence and experience during one of the most stressful times in a client's life. 

Much time and effort is needed to become a successful Realtor. As a Real Estate professional you will need to know your local market, keep track of and follow up with leads, maintain your clients needs, and stay in touch with your sphere. As an independent contractor you will have to be very self-motivated. You won't have a boss telling you what to do every day. Most new agents fail in their first or second year- 87% is the statistic today. Without the right training and work ethic, Real Estate can be a very difficult career. But it can be very financially rewarding if you are self-motivated and hardworking. With the right systems and support, new agents can become successful. A team can be the right option for you, whether you are a new agent or a seasoned veteran. To see if a team is right for you click here

Our team provides those systems and support, combined with the tools you need to market yourself, follow up with leads, and grow your network.

First Steps

The Interview

Review DISC Results

Review Keller Williams Personality Assessment 

The Enneagram Personality* Not for Business Use

If you are contemplating a career in Real Estate understanding yourself is key in figuring out where you would be best suited. The DISC profile is used by 70% of fortune 500 companies to determine behaviors and build teams. Our team leader, Geoff Horrocks, wants you to be where you would be best suited- and ultimately the happiest. Our team is structured around this idea. If you are best suited to do Real Estate sales, that is where you will spend your time. The administrative tasks will done by those who have a different skill set. We want you performing where you will be the most fulfilled and efficient. The DISC profile will help you understand where that is. 

You can take the DISC profile here. Email your results to Geoff at [email protected] in preparation for your first meeting. You may also want to save the results for your own record.

Next, you will take the KPA (Keller Williams Personality Assessment). It is another way of measuring how a person will act and process information to determine if a Real Estate sales role is a match. We want you to be successful in the role you choose to take on our team. Going over the results with Geoff will help us get to know you better by understanding how you think. 

The KPA will be emailed to you and the results will automatically be sent to Geoff- so you don't have to worry about saving or sending the results. As soon as you have completed these steps you are ready to talk with Geoff about your future in Real Estate! 

Before you talk with Geoff, check out our website and read our about page! Click around- our agents use the seller and buyer pages to their advantage when doing consultations. They also use the "Our Marketing" page as a comprehensive description of the services Moments Marketing provides. Make sure you check out our Facebook and Instagram pages as well! 

Here's What Happens Next...

We truly believe that when making a big decision like starting in the Real Estate field it helps to get wise counsel. At Moments Marketing we want you to receive council from the most qualified and experienced people in the business. Andy Goodman of the Keller Williams Real Estate Montgomeryville office is one of those people. Every new agent on our team has met and discussed their intent to work in the Real Estate field with Andy. He has helped countless new agents understand the challenges and benefits of this field, as well as how Keller Williams equips its agents with the tools to succeed. To learn more about him click here. Ask Claire to set up a time for you to sit down and chat with Andy. 

[email protected]  

After you have met with Andy, it is time to prepare to take your Real Estate Salesperson Exam! 


The process of joining the Moments RE team as a Real Estate salesperson begins with education. The Pennsylvania Department of State requires agents to complete the Real Estate Fundamentals (30 hours) and Real Estate Practice (45 hours) courses (75 hours total).

 You can use whatever education provider you want, provided they are approved by the PA Real Estate Commission. The one that most of the agents on the team have used is Real Estate Express.  

 If you have an inactive license, the state requires you to complete 14 hours of Commission-approved continuing education to renew or reactivate your license. More information about that can be found here.

 If you think you may not have to take the education because of some other schooling you have had, check out this form on page 3 to find out.

*Other requirements:

You must be at least 18 years old and will have to pass a background check done by the State Police. You must have a High School diploma or equivalent education.

Scheduling Your Exam

After you finish the PA Fundamentals and Practice courses you will receive a certification of completion for each class. You are now able to begin the process of applying to take the licensing exam. You will need to register for both the State and National parts of the PA sales exam. You can take both in the same testing appointment.

 The Pennsylvania Real Estate Commission has contracted with PSI (licensure:certification) to conduct its examination program. Make an account here.

 To sit in and take the Real Estate Salesperson’s exam you will first need to be pre-approved by PSI. The instructions are under the Salesperson and Rental Listing Referral Agent section on page three of the PSI Candidate Information Bulletin found here. (We recommend registering by email; you only wait four days to hear back versus two weeks if done by mail). Make sure you read through the bulletin carefully!

 Upon approval of eligibility, you will be mailed a confirmation notice containing instructions for scheduling an appointment to take the examination. If you are denied eligibility, PSI will notify you via first class mail. *Note if you would like to check the status of your application call PSI at (800) 733-9267

 The next step is to confirm a time and place using your PSI account to take the exam. Unfortunately, you can’t take it online from home, you must choose a PSI testing center to take it at. There are several centers in PA you can choose from. You finally have your appointment set! Good luck!

*The bulletin provides several study guide options if you want to study some more for the exam. 

Apply for Your License

Congratulations, you passed! But before you can start selling real estate you must apply for a license from the state. 

When you pass your exam, you will receive passing score reports. Save those! 

There is an application checklist of the steps you will need to take apply for your Real Estate Salesperson-Standard license. The checklist is found on this page. 

You’re now ready to meet with our broker- Keller Williams Real Estate Montgomeryville! Our administrator will set up an appointment with the coordinator at our KW office! They will walk you through that checklist as well as Keller Williams on-boarding paperwork. 

Here is the contract they will talk to you about in your meeting. Every salesperson must hang their license with a broker. That broker oversees that agent’s real estate transactions. Our broker is Keller Williams Real Estate Montgomeryville. 

You are now ready to pick up your license! If you decide to wait a few weeks before receiving your license from the state, you can check the status in your online account under ‘status.’ Login here.

(You will have made a login at your appointment with Keller Williams)

If you would like to get your license ASAP you can drive to Harrisburg to pick it up. 

Continuing Education

Even though you now have your license your RE education is not over. Licenses expire May 31 of every even numbered year. Section 404.1(a) of the Real Estate Licensing and Registration Act requires real estate brokers and salespersons to complete 14 hours of Commission-approved continuing education during each two-year license period.  The Pennsylvania Real Estate Commission will send email reminders to the address you have listed on the PALS website.

Standard salesperson licensees who are renewing for the first time are required to complete a specific set of continuing education modules (PDF) through an approved education provider. In other words, if you are renewing your license for the first time, the educational requirements are different than the second time you’ll have to renew your license.

Here is the link to the education provider our team uses for first time license renewals and experienced licenses alike.

If you’d like more information about continuing education visit this PAL’s site. If you want to know if a different continuing education provider covers the modules you need it to check out or contact the provider directly to inquire.

For more information about continuing ed fees, expired or inactive licenses go here.

If you’d like more information about continuing education visit this PAL’s site. If you want to know if a different continuing education provider covers the modules you need it to check out or contact the provider directly to inquire.

For more information about continuing ed fees, expired or inactive licenses go here

Team Training Checklist

*If you have any questions please reach out to Claire or Geoff*

[email protected]


[email protected]


  • It’s time to for you to have your own email address and Follow Up Boss account. Shoot Claire a text or email for your login information!
  • You will need to set up your own email signature. Click on the little gear icon on the top right of the screen in your moments Gmail account and click Settings. Copy the example attached here (after you’ve entered your own information, name, direct line, and email) and paste it into your signature box. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click save changes. To make sure it worked correctly, compose a message. *Copy and Paste from the PDF to Word to Make Changes- Copy from Word and Paste to Gmail/FUB*

  • Now you’re ready to access your Follow Up Boss account and set up your email signature. You can login with your email address. In the top right of the screen you will see your initials. Click them, then select ‘My Settings.’ Copy and paste the example (change name, direct line, and License #) below into the Signature box. *Copy and Paste from the PDF to Word to Make Changes- Copy from Word and Paste to Gmail/FUB*

Click Save.

  • It’s time to learn how to use the team CRM, Follow Up Boss. Check out this link. If you feel like you need additional training, FUB has a weekly training webinar Wednesday’s at 1pm. Register for it here.
  • Let’s upload your contacts into FUB. Learn how to do so right here. If you already have contacts in a CRM you can import them to FUB here. Check out this link for directions on how to do so. But this should be your biggest resource if you want to learn how to use the platform to its fullest potential. If you have any questions reach out to the team admin or ask FUB directly at [email protected].
  • The next step is sales training! It is Real Estate SALES after all…Check out the Conversion Code Training done by our marketing company, Curaytor. Right here. Also, take the Exactly What to Say For Real Estate Agents course. It will be your field guide for Real Estate sales!
  • Check out our team website- it is there as a resource and will convey professionalism to your clients. We also have strong Facebook presence. It’s a great idea to invite your friends to like the page so they can see our RE updates, listings, and blog posts! And check us out on Instagram

Training Materials and Additional Training

Best New Videos

Benefits of Buying During the Winter

Educating the Consumer Through Market Updates


FUB in-depth Training

Convert Training

Conversion Code (Free Use Coupon curaytorclient)

Follow Up Boss Weekly Webinar (Wednesdays at 1pm)


Exactly What to Say For Real Estate Agents

User: [email protected]

Pass: MomentsTraining2019

Pitchfest < If you don’t watch all the training videos Chris will make you pitch to him.

Advanced Sales Training

ISA Insights


Real Estate Branding Videos


Instagram Training: Part 1 (Mastering the Basics) > Also Check out the Instagram Guide for Small Businesses.

Instagram Training: Part 2 (Stories + Ads)

Start the Job Checklist

  • Professional Photos 

Send Claire your availability. This is one of the first steps to becoming a well-known Real Estate professional in your area! We will put you on our website and send out an email blast to our database to put the word out that you are in business! 

  • Create Bio 

Check out the example bio's below if you need to stir the creative juices. When you're finished (or would like some constructive feedback) send it to Claire and Geoff!

Example Bio’s: Found Here

  • Follow Moments.RealEstate on Facebook and Instagram

You will want to stay up to date on our Social Media Marketing! 

  • Attend and assist with open houses  

This is where you will have the chance to meet new buyers and pick up clients! We have the open house attendees sign in. You'll have the chance to follow up with some of the best leads in the business.

  • Attend agent house previews

This is a way to learn your local market. By walking through houses that are on the market you will become educated and be able to transfer that knowledge to your clients. 

  • Attend Buyer Agency Appointments

Ask any of the agents on the team if you can sit in on a buyer consultation. You will learn how to explain the value you bring to a buyer in today's market.

  • Attend Listing Appointments

Ask any of the agents on the team if you can attend any upcoming listing appointments. You will learn how to explain the value our agents bring to sellers. 

  • Attend a staging

We have a professional Stager on the team, Laura Hunter! Learn more about what a staging professional can offer your sellers by attending one of her staging consultations. Ask Claire when her next consultation is. 

  • Attend a photo session

Mike Landis is our professional photographer. He is an integral part of our marketing. Ask any of the agents when they have a photo session scheduled with their sellers to see how an agent helps the photographer capture the uniqueness and marketability of a property. 

  • Attend showing tours with Clients

Showing a property is one of the many ways Realtor can bring value to their buyers. Not just by opening the door, but by learning how to ask the right questions to clients and help them determine which home is right for them. Any team member would be happy for you to accompany them on a showing with their clients.

  • Attend  Home Inspections

Walking through a home with your clients and the home inspector is an important step in the buying process. What you learn from the inspector can make or break a deal. It may also lead to more negotiation with the seller/listing agent. You may accompany any agent on the team during a home inspection. 

  • Attend a Sewer Inspection

You will want to be educated on what an agents role is during a sewer inspection! 

  • Attend a Use and Occupancy Inspection

A Use and Occupancy Inspection is required by some boroughs and townships in our area when real property is being sold. This is usually paid for by the seller and a government inspector will come out and inspect the properties condition. They must be conducted within a certain time-frame. Reach out to the agents on the team to see if anyone has an upcoming U&O inspection.

  • Attend a Closing

A closing is the final step in a transaction. At closing the ownership interest is transferred to the buyer. 

  • Attend Script Practices

Our team wants you to be sharp when it comes to making calls to leads, overcoming objections, dealing with difficult conversations with clients, and other scenarios! The worst time to think about saying something is while you're saying it. Practice makes perfect! Ask Claire to put upcoming script classes on your calendar. 

  • Meet with two mortgage lenders

The value of having a good relationship with a mortgage broker should not be understated. Clients will greatly appreciate your recommendation of a qualified professional mortgage lender. Our team works with several excellent lenders. You can schedule a time to meet with any of them. Find the list of our recommendations here

  • Attend  Brokers Opens

Imagine an open house for Realtors. That is what a brokers open is. It is a way for a listing agent to market a home to other realtors. It is an opportunity for you to build relationships with agents in our area. Search for Brokers Opens on Bright MLS to find out the where and when.